Monday, January 24, 2011

The PolishAholic's 1000 followers contest!!!

I just stumbled upon this blog in the sidebar of another blogger and fell in love with her page...not only that but she' s having a CONTEST! How lucky am I?! lol!!

Check out her contest at

super simple!!

<3 Catherine

Sunday, January 23, 2011

She's SOOOO Fresh!! lol

I just entered ANOTHER contest!!! This one is a little different than the others, I actually had to DOOO something!! hahaha!

So her contest is to "take the most ridiculous/hideous/strange/maybe to cutesy/ designs you have and make it the best you can"!! HOW CUTE!! So I put in my e-mail that I had these plates from when I was like 8 or something crazy like that! My step mom got them for me...they came with the machine type thing your supposed to use that just scratches the crap out of your plates and takes so long to use that the image has already dried up on the stamper! So I tore it apart and i've kept the image plates all these years.
When I got into following nail blogs I figured I would pull these out of my basement and try them out...well they were almost ALLLLLL crap...but the worst one is the one I entered in the contest! She ask's that you don't post the pictures online until after the contest is over so i'm going to do just'll have to wait!

I wish I wouldn't have done the glitter top coat, it was a PAIN to photograph! lol

Well enough of my blabbering, check out her contest and her blog!

<3 Catherine


Another contest entry for ya!! is having a contest!!! She's got really nice pictures and even better swatches! I love reading her little blurbs about the polish colors...super cute! So heres a heads up to another blogger i've fallen in love with...


<3 Catherine